

I hope you're enjoying a great Easter celebrating The Resurrection of our King Jesus Christ!  We have much to celebrate!

During this exciting time of year, I also wanted to share our latest Camp Ministry Update and praise God for what He is doing!  Let's jump in!  ->


1.  Here at Woodend Christian Camp (WCC) in New Zealand, our WCC Team continues to have opportunities to lead the Gospel Program and share the Good News with thousands of public school kids each year who are usually in USA Grades 4-5 / NZ Year 5-6.  We often have 2 Gospel Programs per week, one for each of the School Camps we host.  Recently, I've been able to help coach and encourage a member of our team to newly step up and solo-lead the Gospel Program as well, which he did for the first time just last week (Tuesday) for a great group of kids!  His name is Finn and his talk was a banger! (i.e. NZ slang for ‘He did a great job!’)

In the Gospel Program, kids hear about God’s surprising, powerful, and abundant love, which is given to us even though we don’t deserve it.  Kids hear kid-friendly stories from Finn and I about the life-change that He makes in people like Zacchaeus (aka ‘Zack’) and The Prodigal Son (aka ‘Johnny’).  We all have a similar need, and God’s love is for us too! 

We also applaud the school's values that have Biblical precedent.  Kids get ‘lollies’ (i.e. candy) if they can stand up and share from memory their school values.  Often, some of these school values also have an exciting and natural fit within the Bible stories that we share.

The Gospel Program is a constantly exciting opportunity to share the Good News of God's undeserved, abundant and transformative love for each boy and girl, and to shine Christ’s light in North Canterbury, NZ!  Additionally, it also presents Woodend Christian Camp with a unique opportunity to express appreciation for the area teachers who are regularly investing in these kids, and to applaud the school’s commendable efforts to instill values (which often have Biblical harmony or even Biblical precedent) in its students.  Below are some summarizing highlights of what I share in The Gospel Program:

  • One of my favorite stories is from Jesus in The Bible.  This story helps me, and maybe it will help you too.  This story is about a son who had a Major Biff / Epic Fail.  We’ll call the son ‘Johnny’.  [Share the kid-friendly version of Jesus’ Parable of The Prodigal Son in Luke 15].  This story shows how much God loves you and me.  If you were Johnny, and your Dad loved you, hugged you, and threw a big party when you finally came home after doing a bunch of bad stuff, how would that make you feel?  In the story, you and I are like Johnny and the Dad is like God.  When we mess up, we don’t have to run away from Him.  We can run to Him!  He welcomes us back and loves us so much, even though we don’t deserve it!  And God’s love isn’t just for Finn and I.  It’s for you, and you and you, and all of us!  When we need someone to love us, forgive us, and give us a new start, guess what?  God does all of that for us.  Even when we think we’ve done too much bad stuff, guess what?  God still loves us.  His love for us is bigger than the Ocean down the street!  And the Ocean is huuuuge!  And God has something better for us than to keep doing bad stuff and going against Him over and over again.  He has a much better track for us!  Thank you for listening.  I hope you have an epic school camp and thanks for letting me be with you today!  I’ll see you around Camp!  😊   _|

Earlier this NZ Summer, we even received some encouraging feedback from a public school leader about our Gospel Program.  Praise God!


2.  We have a big WARRIOR CAMP (WC) Special Event coming up in the USA in late May.  Pray for God to do His thing!  And we praise God for our new WC Leaders who are stepping up in exciting ways!


3.  January 2024 marked the 1-year Anniversary since first arriving in New Zealand for our WARRIOR CAMP Ministry Growth Venture!  And even this initial invitation into New Zealand was a culminating door that only God could have opened, and which we clearly know He did open.  Massive thanks to Cody and the Board at Woodend Christian Camp for this prayerful, bold, and faith-filled ministry-adventure together.  None of this would have been possible without you!

Designing a new Sport, packing the bags to the max, flying 10,000 miles, and pursuing this WC Growth Venture in a different hemisphere hasn't always been easy.  And while this venture has been bathed in prayer, Godly wisdom from others, and strategic ministry vision, some of it can still feel a bit experimental, and not as guaranteed as I’d like.  And yet, looking back, we have so much to thank God for and to celebrate across this last year+ of ministry in New Zealand, from ministry opportunities themselves to my own deepening growth and maturity in Christ.  I could never have scripted what God is doing.  Below, I'll share some exciting opportunities we’ve had to leverage the power of our new Sport for that which honors God.  He gets all the glory!  Over this last year+, Warrior Camp is blessed to have collaborated with some incredible believers, ministries, Camps, and Pastors passionate to impact this generation for our Risen King Jesus Christ!

I’ll share a handful of ShoutOuts below, but there are far too many people to properly thank in this update.  They do it for His Glory, not their own.  We are super grateful for each one of them and for our genuine bonds of friendship, made even richer by being on-mission and united together in God’s Family.

The last year has also witnessed significant ground-work being laid, much of which is below the surface and ‘beyond the stage-lights’.  This is like putting in the work in the gym in preparation for Game Day.  It doesn’t happen overnight, or super visibly, and it’s about something greater than easy optics.  While sometimes stretching and challenging, we’re obedient to what God is doing within us in the journey, what He builds on this foundation, and what He unveils in His timing (which has the intriguing track record of being flawless, and infinitely superior to my own!).

There are at least 2 things this generation loves: Music and Sport.  And we've been receiving some encouraging feedback about WARRIOR CAMP’s New Sport known as HammerHead!  We praise God for what He's up to, and we're excited to continue leveraging the power of Sport for God’s Glory in this generation!  (And to bring an epic playlist while we’re at it!)

So, here's The HammerHead Recap since arriving in New Zealand just over 1 year ago.  He gets all the Glory, and we're excited for what He's doing next!

I hope you have a fantastic Easter season celebrating His Resurrection!

He is Risen!


Matthew 28




- WC’s Sports Venture -



Saturday, March 25, 2023

Woodend Christian Camp

North Canterbury, New Zealand

Rise Camp Leadership Training Retreat

Involved: The Rise Camp Leadership Team.  Students, Young Adults & Camp Leaders.

Video: https://rumble.com/v4lt8i3-hammerhead.html  

After months of teamwork spanning across a 2-year window, The HammerHead Debut takes place in New Zealand!  (Designed in America.  Debuted in New Zealand).  God is awesome, and full of surprises!

Additional Opportunity: I was also invited to speak at this Leadership Training Event.  As I prepared for this new message, and even since, God’s Word has come alive in a fresh, inspiring, bold and exciting way!  He has overseen, breathed on, guided, and blessed this whole direction more and more as I study His Word.  The Christian Faith cannot be dismissed as just another religion.  In fact, The Bible itself rejects this unproven secular demotion, from its very first verse in Genesis 1:1.  (Additionally, the early Christians rejected the notion that The Risen King Jesus Christ belonged in the Pantheon alongside false Roman deities.  He is supreme has no equal rival).  The gravitas, reality of, and evidence for God and His Truth, preclude this kind of foreign reductionism and reveal something infinitely stronger and greater.  God is real and His Truth is undefeatable!  So excited to share this new message He laid on my heart for the first time, and to equip Camp Ministry Leaders in the inspiring Biblical Muscle of the Christian Faith!  He is worthy of all the Glory!  (This is a topic I continue to be passionate about yesterday, today, and tomorrow!)

Special Thanks to Peter, and a Big ShoutOut to Rise for being the Bold 1st Players of HAMMERHEAD!




Monday, April 17, 2023

Lakeland Park Camp

Queenstown, New Zealand

The Pursuit Camp

Theme: Seek 1st His Kingdom

Involved: Highschool Students, Firm Foundations and Christian Youth Camps (CYC) Waihola.

Video: https://vimeo.com/821102757

Additional Opportunities: Small Group Co-Leadership and Game Boss





Saturday, June 17, 2023

Living Springs Camp and Conference Center

Lyttleton, New Zealand

Collab Leadership Event

Involved: Youth Ministry Leaders other Ministry Leaders from North Canterbury, New Zealand.  (Big thanks to Seb for the invite!)

Instagram Pic and Post Re-Shared Below:


Youth Ministry Leaders Leadership Retreat.

(Bonding In The Rain! 😎🙌💪💥)

This wasn't 'supposed' to happen. But God had other plans. Thank you God! You get all the glory! 🙌





Sunday, July 30, 2023

Woodend Christian Camp

North Canterbury, New Zealand

Camping Trip / Retreat

Involved: Life Church Young Adults





Sunday, August 13, 2023

Woodend Christian Camp

North Canterbury, New Zealand

Camp Collab 2023

Involved: Camp Ministry Leaders from North Canterbury, including CDN, Living Springs & Rise Camp





Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Christian Youth Camps (CYC) Waihola

Waihola, New Zealand

Camp South 2023: Christian Apologetics and Biblical Worldview Camp

Involved: Highschool Students, Firm Foundations, and Christian Youth Camps (CYC) Waihola.

Special Thanks To: Jeff, Nic, and Annalise and our whole stellar Team!  Love being apart of what God is doing together!  Looking forward to next time!

HAMMERHEAD Played At: The nearby Milton Rugby Park

Debut of our new HAMMERHEAD Sports Gear

Video: https://youtu.be/ce4llRDC8Zg?si=aXEXLWqhWJx_vLBt  

Video Editor: ShoutOut to Hunter Edgecombe

Additional Opportunities at Camp South: I also had the opportunity to serve as a Small Group Co-Leader, Game Boss, and Featured Speaker -> ‘The Empirical 6-Pack of God’s Truth’. (And to win Gold @ 42.8 KPH in our Water Slide Competition! ;)





Sunday, February 18, 2024

Thompson Park

Christchurch, New Zealand

The Embassy Church

Event: Special Launch Sunday in which the Church's new name of 'The Embassy’ is Officially Launched!

Special Thanks to Pastor Kris Bate.  WC is honored to be apart of this Special Launch Sunday together, and we’re stoked for what God is doing @ The Embassy!

SlideShow: Coming Soon!




Thank you for all your prayer, encouragement and support!  God is on the move in this generation!

 God bless you abundantly and as we celebrate our Risen King Jesus Christ!

He is Risen! And this party echoes into eternity!



Matthew 28



Epic Games.  Biblical Masculinity.  Awesome God.






Hello Warrior Nation!

I hope you’re enjoying a great New Year’s Eve, and that you’re excited for the year ahead!  There’s something special, and almost magic about a New Year, its undiscovered potential, and the adventure, summits, and growth which surprise us, especially in our relationship and adventure with God.

It looks like 2023 will be that (and more) for WARRIOR CAMP. Over the last 2+ years WARRIOR CAMP has been blessed with some new and expanding ministry opportunities. And during this same time, we’ve also discovered that there is significant ministry growth potential in building a collaborative relationship with a like-minded Christian Camp Ministry Partner.

We’re affectionately calling this strategic pursuit, ‘WARRIOR CAMP’s Phase 2 Growth Venture'. This Growth Venture has been soaked in prayer for God’s guidance and wisdom, and involves WARRIOR CAMP partnering with, adding value to, and operating/ministering on the Campground of a Christian Camp Ministry Partner. (Relatedly, the new ministry opportunities that await via access to a Christian Campground are hard to miss and exciting to explore!). In pursuit of this Growth Venture, we’ve been prayerfully searching for a Christian Camp Ministry Partner with a passionate heart for God, a vision to effectively point this generation to Christ, and a venue/area conducive to WARRIOR CAMP’s growth. This Growth Venture also involves our respective Camp Ministries adding value to each other and doing more for the Kingdom together than we can apart.  We believe this Growth Venture will unleash us to do even more of what God has put in our heart to do at WARRIOR CAMP.

As we’ve been praying, envisioning our Camp Ministry Partner, and reaching out to various Christian Camps domestically and abroad, we’ve experienced at a deeper level what it means to trust God and His timing. Even though I want them to, good things (and God-things) rarely happen on my schedule. And sometimes God’s provision looks very different than what we thought we wanted. I’m sure you and I have experienced the disappointment of one (or multiple) prayed-over doors closing … but then later followed by the surprise and celebration of a greater one opening! (How many times does this have to happen for me to permanently get it?) He’s got this. He always does. These experiences have God’s fingerprints all over them, and are further reminders of His goodness, purpose, provision, generosity, and sovereignty. And what He’s doing is always infinitely greater than anything I could have scripted!

Our journey of pursuing this Growth Venture has been no exception, and we worship God for who He is, and praise Him for what He’s doing! In our prayerful pursuit of this Growth Venture, one particular Camp has emerged! And God’s timing is truly unrivalled. This Camp is known as Woodend Christian Camp.  Along the way, its Camp Manager and I have experienced a growing bond as brothers in Christ (Proverbs 27:17), and he has sensed God's favor upon our Camp Ministry Partnership as well. I’m excited and honored to share that as of December 2022, the beginning of our Phase 2 Growth Venture is a Green Light!  The Board of Woodend Christian Camp and the Board of WARRIOR CAMP, have both unanimously approved WARRIOR CAMP to come explore and base from Woodend Christian Camp! During this 1st step, WARRIOR CAMP will base from and explore-with-intent-to-pursue a strong Phase 2 Camp Ministry Partnership with Woodend Christian Camp. WARRIOR CAMP will also be reaching out to area churches, schools, ministries, and students. Now here’s the surprising part…Woodend Christian Camp happens to be in New Zealand!

Words fall short.  But speechless awe of God arises from down deep. This feels like a surreal and fantastic dream, long awaited ... and now coming into view on the horizon! This is definitely bigger than me.  And it hits me like an inspiring flashback.  After transferring to Liberty University as a sophomore to study Youth Ministry and later Apologetics, our Chancellor often challenged my classmates and I to find our ‘BHAG’.  In case you’re curious, A ‘BHAG’ is an acronym that stands for ‘Big Hairy Audacious Goal’.  As our visionary Chancellor would inspire us, we soon discovered that a BHAG is something that echoes God’s heart, and that is so much bigger than you or me that it won’t happen unless God makes it happen.  And once you catch a God-sized vision like this, there’s no going back.

Recently, I’ve been inspired with a like-minded question that we see inseparably integrated throughout the unfolding saga of God’s Word: As sons and daughters of the King who are passionate for the heart of God, if the path ahead doesn’t scare us, or feel bigger than us, or stretch us outside of our comfort zones, is our view of God too small?  Don’t we see this in Nehemiah, and his project to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem for God’s glory?  Wasn’t that his God-given BHAG?  Or in David taking on and dropping Goliath, the self-proclaimed enemy of God, against impossible military odds I might add, and rallying Israel to courageous faith and awesome victory?  Or in Paul’s undaunted declaration of the persuasive, muscular truth of the Gospel, amid the pseudo-intellectual pagans of Mars Hill?  Or later in early church history, in Polycarp, who stared down a tyrant, and refused to betray the Lord and King Jesus Christ, who had willingly suffered and died for Him?  Polycarp heeded God’s voice to stand strong and ‘Play the man’, no matter the earthly cost.  His heavenly reward is infinitely greater.

Those men are some of my Heroes of the Faith.  Hebrews 11 relays the inspiring stories of many more who’s devotion to God burned so hot in their chests, that they would never bow the knee and cave to the temporary, idolatrous powers of the day. ‘The world was not worthy of them’ (Hebrews 11:38). They knew who alone was worthy and who they belonged to: The One and only Awesome God.

After over 2 years of prayer and pursuit, the next step in our God-sized, Warrior Camp BHAG is coming to a head!  I’m reminded of how His timing and His provision are perfect, and infinitely greater than anything I could have imagined on my own.  God has opened a door for me to jump on a plane and fly out of Boise, Idaho on January 25, 2023.  After 25 hours and across thousands of miles of Pacific Ocean, I’m scheduled to land on the East Coast of the South Island, in Christchurch, New Zealand.  The 1st moments of WARRIOR CAMP’s new Ministry Growth Venture will begin! It’s not what I wanted. It’s much better!

Our plan is to maintain or grow our current WARRIOR CAMP Ministry in Idaho / The Northwest USA, while pursuing our new WARRIOR CAMP Growth Venture inside of New Zealand. In this Growth Venture, we have 4 Goals for the First 3 Months. They are: (1) Discovering more about Woodend Christian Camp and what effective Camp ministry looks in the context of NZ Kids, Youth, and Families (2) Adding value to Woodend Christian Camp, (3) Exploring Woodend Christian Camp in pursuit of a new, conducive area in which WARRIOR CAMP can grow, do more, and better realize our Ministry Vision, and (4) working together with Woodend Christian Camp to host 1 or more WARRIOR CAMP Day Camps or Special Events for the kids, youth, and/or families of New Zealand.

There is not enough span in a lifetime to exhaust how God’s provision is perfect.  I could go on about the compelling distinctives of Woodend Christian Camp.  Or the unique opportunities to engage kids and youth in New Zealand schools with the Gospel. Or the need to push back against the lies of atheism’s foothold in NZ. Or how the epic geography of New Zealand, while displaying the majestic grandeur sculpted by our Creator, also invites WARRIOR CAMP’s full Idea-Vault of epic games, new unforgettable experiences, and God Rallies, all of which are designed to leverage the power of fun for that which honors Him, to inspire Biblical Masculinity, and point this generation to the Good News of our Triumphant, Risen King Jesus Christ!

Following the recent ‘God Loves You’ Gospel Tour in New Zealand, Franklin Graham writes that ‘The land is breathtakingly beautiful and the people are warm and friendly - but the spiritual emptiness there is overwhelming. By some estimates, New Zealand is one of the least religious countries on earth. The vast majority of people don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and many vocally oppose His truth.’ The nation is a spiritual battle-ground. ‘But I praise God that He opened “a wide door for effective service” (1 Corinthians 16:9, NASB) in this highly secular island nation.’ Throughout the 3-City Tour, hundreds of churches came together to link arms for the Gospel, and thousands of Kiwis (i.e. New Zealanders) heard the Good News of Jesus Christ in the key cities of Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. ‘Many churches there are dying, but strong, Bible-believing congregations are thriving.’ More than Seven-Thousand Kiwis packed out the Trusts Arena in the coastal metropolis of Auckland, necessitating an overflow area in an adjacent stadium. In Christchurch, a city that has been rocked by tragedy and earthquakes, Kerry [anonymous name] was one of hundreds of people who surrendered their lives to The Lord Jesus Christ. Franklin Graham encourages us to ‘Please pray that God would ignite a passion for evangelism in many other congregations all across the North and South Islands.’ The Good News of Jesus Christ is unstoppable, and is tearing through the shadows. ‘…strong, Bible-believing congregations are thriving.’ WARRIOR CAMP hopes to join forces with congregations like these, and become actively engaged in God’s heart for New Zealand! New Zealand is ripe for revival. Amid the emptiness and darkness, our desperate need becomes crystal clear. Redemption has a name. He is Jesus! And we are created for relationship with Him. Let’s continue to pray for the life-giving Good News of Jesus Christ to spread across the entirety of New Zealand! (For more updates and exciting news about what God is doing in New Zealand, feel free to check out the following links: Link 1. Link 2).

You’re a loved family member of WARRIOR NATION, and I wanted to personally share a deep and heart-level THANK YOU! for all your prayers, support, and encouragement that have accompanied us to this pivotal moment in WARRIOR CAMP’s Growth Venture.  We continue to be passionate to introduce kids and youth to Epic Games, Biblical Masculinity, and our Awesome God!  I can’t wait to share more about what God does in 2023 and beyond!  I feel like He is up to something only He can do, and we’re just getting started!

Happy New Year! God bless you as we embark into 2023!  I’m cheering you on! We have a lot to celebrate, and we definitely can’t let the rocks have all the fun! (Luke 19:40).

For His Glory,


Joshua 1:9


Want to help support WARRIOR CAMP’s New Growth Venture?


Thank you!

WARRIOR CAMP is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. 

Donations are Tax Deductible.

(For check donation details (offering zero transaction fees/deductions) please feel free to email warriorcamp1@gmail.com or call or text 208.866.0743.  Thank you!)



Epic Games.  Biblical Masculinity.  Awesome God.




Happy St. Patrick's Day Warrior Nation!

And to celebrate this man of God and his life-changing conversion and powerful witness for Jesus Christ, I wanted to share some of St. Patrick's story (illuminated by 2 friends of mine).

Check out the links below and let's celebrate Christ for the incredible thing He did centuries ago, and what He's still doing today! Happy St. Patrick's Day!




Finding God In A Grain Of Sand

Warrior Camp Apologetics Training (WCAT)


Ever wonder what would happen if you and I had less and cherished more? If a fish had experience in a puddle, would it better appreciate the ocean? I’m not advocating self-imposed poverty. I’m just curious if, like the spoiled child, our abundance, far from guaranteeing our joy, may opportune a threat to it, if the compass of our internal gratitude and ability to appreciate, doesn’t already point North. And more importantly, how do the dynamics of abundance and scarcity affect our view of God and our recognition of His reality in this world? Netflix offers video on demand. Walmart offers grocery pickup. And Amazon has made free 2 day shipping seem as constant as the Law of Gravity. I’m not complaining or faulting their hard won achievements. (I’m grateful for them, and give them a high 5 for their creative and impressive success!) I’m just suspicious of what happens inside of me when expectation is over-inflated, runs wild, and appreciation becomes less.


Appreciation is not something we’re born with. It’s cultivated, and doesn’t come naturally. You have to train it. Fight for it, and doing so somehow goes against some grain down inside of us. We’re not born grateful. Spend any time with children, and you’ll quickly discover little Johnny kicking his truck to the curb so he can fight over Sam’s play dough. Then, literally moments later, when Sam has lost the tug-o-war, overcome his tears, and is now distracted in playing with the truck, Johnny finds that the play dough has instantly and almost magically lost its luster. He wants his truck back, and heads will roll if necessary. Our propensity to value what we have and demand what we don’t, are both flawed from birth, and in need of retraining. Is the evidence for God in our world so abundant, so surrounding, prevalent and pervasive, that we have become acclimated to it, taken it for granted as if it could not possibly be otherwise with or without God, much like the fish takes the ocean for granted, and fails to comprehend that the world in which he swims could have been otherwise? The new atheists (not all atheists) are particularly hostile, and many claim there is no evidence for God’s existence. Really? I’m not into name-calling, but I can’t help but think of the proverbial tone-deaf child who has lost his ability to appreciate his amazing Birthday festivities, because he is profoundly spoiled. Though the gifts are numerous and generous, he will not be satisfied. His sense of appreciation is warped and grossly malignant. Selfish expectation seems to always outpace any possible fulfillment. Appreciation reaches an all time low and expectation reaches an insane high. No gifts can satisfy, however valuable and abundant they may be. Who is at fault? Are the gifts lacking in some way? Or is the child’s ability to recognize and appreciate value at fault? Do modern atheists find themselves in a world so saturated with evidences of God’s existence, that their perspective for discovering God already takes much for granted, and is over-saturated, naive, selfish, clueless, and blind to what surrounds them? The fish can’t truly ‘see’ the ocean’s water all around him, yet his experience would be very different minus the ocean. How easily do we take for granted and fail to truly perceive, comprehend, and appreciate what we have grown accustomed to? Is the new atheist’s vocal disbelief in God a matter of evidence, or a matter of perspective? If the latter, then atheism is not enlightened. Quite the opposite. It is laughable, if not tragic. It is precisely the rich abundance and pervasiveness of God’s fingerprints across the tapestry of creation that risks ‘spoiling’ us. The atheist is as a fish, naively denouncing the gravitas of the ocean in which he swims.


I wonder if our appreciation for the reality of God is not too far removed. As human beings, when our expectations are fulfilled, they tend to pivot, shift, and increase, usually without much scrutiny or accountability. Expectations tend to be unruly, unreasonable, insatiable, and they rarely decline, plateau, or truly enjoy their fulfillment when satisfied. For those who deny the existence of God and demand more and more evidence, do we think they are somehow immune to this same insatiable pathogen? What if their demands say more about their own blindness and insatiable condition, than they do about the evidence for God? Regarding the evidence for God, what if naivete, blindness, and perspective are the problem, and not some lack of evidence? To the naive or blinded, no amount of evidence will suffice. They will not see it, though it surrounds them like the Ocean surrounds a fish. If God is real, then He created the cosmos, and you and I will never know what it is like to live in an atheistic universe. We cannot say, ‘Here is an atheistic galaxy over there, and here is a theistic one here. Note the differentiating qualities between them. See, ours has these unique and identifying qualities, therefore we happen to live in a theistic one.’ There is no remote atheistic corner in the cosmos to which we can compare and discover what the absence of God would be like, and then contrast this with our world and thus criticize the case for theism. There is no part of the cosmos which is ‘God-independent’ that can establish a control, or an empirical baseline for discerning what an atheistic world would look like (if one could exist), and which would then in turn create room for critiquing theism for failure to distinguish itself from this atheistic world. There is no empirical baseline of an atheistic world with which to measure the empirical merit of theism. In the absence of a known control, it is difficult if not impossible to successfully indict theism as neo-atheists love to do. We cannot empirically say, “Here is a sector of the cosmos we know to have originated apart from God, and therefore here is what an atheistic domain looks like. And the rest of the discernible universe is not significantly different from this atheistic domain. Therefore, a universe-creating God does not exist.’ We have no empirical evidence or experience of what such a baseline atheistic domain would look like, even if it could/did exist. We are like the fish in the ocean having one common experience, and not one drop was not created.


(I have premises. We all do and should be honest about them, and it’s hard to have meaningful discussion without at least some basic premises). If the entire cosmos is God’s creation and points to His existence, then we have never experienced and will never know what it’s like to live in a Godless universe. The same sunlight and rain descend upon us all. If baby goldfish could talk, how would one prove to another that their aquarium environment might have been a sewer, or might have never existed at all, apart from the good and creative prowess of their Owner? Can our personified fish fully comprehend some kind of anti-water environment, or not existing? Can they understand living in a sewer when life and swimming in good pure water are all they’ve experienced? Can the neo-atheist have a credible argument against God’s existence while simultaneously having no empirical clue what it would be like to live in a Godless universe?

The evidences for the reality of God abound, and there are no shortage of books, winsome philosophical presentations, research, or examples. On an existential level, the evidence for God can also be found in a sunset, and in the deep feeling you get when you see one. In the profound birth of a newborn baby. At a funeral, when we’re reminded of our gut-level desire for life beyond the grave. In a microscope. Or a telescope. In a song that brings you to tears. Or in the embrace of a loved one during which warmth wells up inside. At the Great Barrier Reef when snorkeling into a living kaleidoscope of shifting vibrant color. On the rim of the Grand Canyon, where people of all languages stand at the precipice in speechless awe. How did all this get here? How did the beauty of nature and the human desire for it, as well as the profundity of the human experience come into being? Why are we so blessed by any of this at all? Why does anything exist? From the microscopic to the massive, do we really need more than this? Are we hard-pressed and experiencing a shortage of evidence for God’s existence? Or does the blame belong to our perspective? Is the evidence truly lacking? Or do we need to remind our sometimes naive, warped and uneducated expectations and re-train them to discover what they likely missed. Namely, that if we pause, take a moment, and honestly look close, we can find God in a single grain of sand.



It's been a crazy ride, but I love it and can't wait for what God has next! Happy 13 and welcome to teen status!!

To Warrior Nation: Thanks for all your enduring support, prayer, and love! You're incredible, and a huge encouragement to me personally and in ministry....so grateful!

In celebration of WC's Birthday, feel free to check out our latest video below :)

(Video Link: https://youtu.be/Cj33L9tgMT8)

I hope you enjoy it, you're the best, I love you all, and God bless you as we point our generation to Him!


Isaiah 40:28-31



Happy Birthday.png


Thanks Warrior Nation for all your inspiring prayer, support, and encouragement!

We're excited about what God is doing in the year ahead!

And check out our latest video shared below, and even more videos linked here: https://warrior.camp/media





Warrior Camp Ministry Update

2018 - 2019


Hello Warrior Nation!  Thank you for your service, prayer, support, and encouragement toward the ministry of Warrior Camp!  I’m grateful for what God has enabled Warrior Camp to be a part of over the last year+, and I’m excited about what is on the horizon ahead.  Here is the Official Warrior Camp Ministry Update, covering 2018 through June 2019 and little beyond. And then at the very end, I share why I believe Warrior Camp is so significant in our generation. 

More can be found on Warrior Camp’s Social Media including facebook, instagram, and youtube, as well as on our website at www.warrior.camp and our Blog Page @ https://warrior.camp/journey. I hope you enjoy this Ministry Report.  It’s ultimately a grateful celebration of what God is doing in and through Warrior Camp!  Let’s dive in!


2018 - 2019

1.     March 2018

  • Warrior Camp (WC) becomes an official, non-profit 501c3 organization recognized by the IRS. This has been a big goal for some time, and now it has been accomplished! Special thanks to WC Board Member Chris Pope. Warrior Camp Supporters can now enjoy tax deductibility for their contributions.


2.     5.23.18

  • The 1st Annual 5th Grade Nampa Christian + Warrior Camp Graduation Celebration took place on May 2018.  This event was all about celebrating the graduating 5th grade class of approximately 30 students, with signature WC Games, Recreation, Worship Music, and Powerful Biblical Encouragement as they prepare to take the plunge into middle school.  Special thanks to the Nampa Fire Truck Crew for coming to this event and spraying us all with the hydro-cannon! Pictures can be seen via our Facebook Group Page entitled ‘Warrior Camp’ and under Photo Albums or via the link here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Warrior-Camp-79080793918/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10156575477928919.  Parent feedback was particularly positive and encouraging, and School leadership wants Warrior Camp back next year.


3.     July 2018

  • The 4th Annual Warrior-Camp-In-A-Box (WCIAB) partnership took place with the Santa Claus United Methodist Church Camp (SCUMCC) for their July 2018 Summer Camp.  (This Camp partner meets the Biblical and doctrinal standards needed in order to partner together in good faith).  This Camp Partnership involved a Christian Kids Summer Camp in Indiana purchasing 150+ Next Gen Sword Kits, Weapon Workshop Supplies, and Training Videos for the purpose of hosting the signature Warrior Camp Weapon Workshop and related Games at their camp for their kids, and with their own, in-house Camp leadership team.  The leadership of the SCUMCC appreciates this WCIAB partnership opportunity as a way to enhance and distinguish their Camp program and attract kids with something new, distinct, and fresh, and they want to do it again next year!


4.     8.18.2018

  • Warrior Camp 2018 @ Bethel Church of the Nazarene in Nampa, Idaho.  This is the full fledged, full-day, Warrior Camp complete with Weapon Workshop, 3 Rallies, Powerful Biblical content pointing kids to God, WC Games, and intense team vs team competition and recreation.  Boys gathered from different churches and cities including Nampa and Caldwell.  The Weapon Workshop debuted our Next Generation Bow and Arrow, with the new Dire Wolf Fur Handle, and new Archery Tag Game Equipment.  Recreational Activities included an experimental, next-generation, 100 foot long Slip-N-Slide experience, down an approximate 70 foot long slope, and which leveraged a record # of sandbags to facilitate a low-level water-retention-wall, thereby enabling a deeper Splash-Down Landing Zone on flat ground which was filled with soap suds and chunky slime, before eventually terminating in a 1200 gallon swimming pool.  Rally Themes involved the Biblical Account of Gideon, testimony from a Martial Arts Expert about how he got saved at a young age, and a Special Brick Ceremony in which kids declared the awesomeness of God in their own words.  Warrior Campers wrote about the awesomeness of God on two different bricks.  The 1st Brick was then added by every boy to the ‘Big Stack’, which serves as a Spiritual reminder and collective praise and testimony of who God is.  The ‘Big Stack’ is located in the JourneyLand Kid’s Ministry Area of Bethel Church.  The 2nd Brick belongs to each Warrior Camper personally, and each boy took this brick home to place next to their bed, to help them never forget the awesomeness of God!  The Warrior Camp 2018 video can be viewed on our Warrior Camp Website at https://warrior.camp/media or via our Warrior Camp YouTube Channel at the link below.  I hope you enjoy it!

  • https://youtu.be/3GQJt9RrbRA


5.     January 2019

  • Warrior Camp / Unleash Epic (WC/UE) began a strategic and awaited partnership with the Joshua Institute Internship Program.  The Joshua Institute is a spin-off of Cole Valley Christian Schools.  In this partnership, 2 highschool students interned with WC/UE from mid-January through early May, once a week on Wednesdays during the school day from approximately 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  Parents and teachers visit WC/UE as well on occasion to check up on student progress, and students will report on what they have learned at the end of the School year.  During the Intern Experience, students gained hands-on valuable experience helping prepare and build Warrior Camp In A Box 2019 and also helped prepare for the Warrior Camp Graduation Celebration Event @ Nampa Christian on 5.21.19.  Work for the interns included proper training and safety practices, cutting pipe, working with power tools, and other tasks including chamfering, cleaning, aligning, painting, gluing, and supply procurement and larger-item loading and unloading.  (See these separate entries entitled 5.21.19 and July 2019 in this Report for more info).  WC/UE is very grateful to these interns for their help and hard work.  Feedback from students, parents, and teachers was very encouraging and positive.  I (Derek) was able to attend the share presentation for one intern at the end of the school year, and WC / UE would welcome the opportunity to serve as an intern site again in the future should that be of interest to the Cole Valley School System or any other similar program.  It was a great and helpful experience in propelling WC / UE forward, and the interns also expressed their enjoyment and gains from it as well!

6.     4.25.19

  • Warrior Camp met with the Senior Pastor of the Greenleaf Friends Church in Greenleaf, Idaho.  The Pastor’s goal for the meeting was to learn more about Warrior Camp, as he considers the church and Christian school campus as a possible host site for Warrior Camp later this year.


7.     5.21.19

  • This date marked the 2nd Annual Nampa Christian + Warrior Camp Graduation Celebration!  This year, we also had 20 parents register to join the fun with their graduating son or daughter.  The Graduation Celebration took place at Nampa Christian Elementary School, and involved the Warrior Camp (WC) signature Weapon Workshop in which kids and parents had the opportunity to build their own next generation, nerf compatible BlowGun!  Next we played an original WC game known as Kingdom Under Fire (KUF) in which kids build a Castle out of cardboard boxes, and then raced to be the first team to knock their opponent’s Castle down with Dodgeballs.  Following KUF, we braved an overcast day for which we had been praying or good weather, and went outside for the Battle Games.  Here, kids and parents, armed with their very own BlowGuns, engaged in epic battles of WC Games like ‘Alcatraz’ and our own version of Capture the Flag (CTF).  During the Battle Games, the kids were surprised to see several local Police Officers come out to the event and join us on the field to join us for some epic ‘Cops vs. Kids’ Nerf Battles!  They’ll never forget it!  Following the Nerf Battles, we began the Ceremony portion of the event which was open to all the 5th Grade Graduates and all of their families.  Well over a hundred people gathered in the Main Gymnasium for the Ceremony, which included some worship music, followed by separate, special BreakOut Sessions for the Boys and Girls in which they were encouraged in their relationship with Christ as they prepare to take the plunge into Middle School.  The spiritual theme for the girls involved loving God with all your heart, knowing that God holds you close to His heart, and living the adventure that accompanies a walk with God.  Each girl was given a special necklace with a heart encircling a Cross as a spiritually significant take-home item, and to help them commemorate their graduation celebration.  The theme for the boys involved a martial arts expert sharing his testimony about how, as a teen, he went from being hostile against God to coming to personal faith in Jesus Christ!  He also presented martial arts demonstrations, followed by the Knighthood ceremony.  First, the historical significance of Knighthood was unpacked and then, one by one, boys stepped forward, often with their Fathers, to be knighted by their dads with a Scottish Sword in a powerful right of passage rich with sacred significance.  The boys were then given a military style dog tag engraved with a bold challenge and inscribed with the Bible reference of Psalm 18.  Following both BreakOut Sessions, our entire big group reconvened together in the Main Gym for some final words of encouragement/challenge, and a big prayer huddle in the center of the Gym floor in which parents surrounded their kids, and a teacher prayed for all the graduating students, and for God’s blessing over them as they graduate up into Middle School. Pictures can be seen via our Facebook Page entitled ‘Warrior Camp’ and under Photo Albums or via the link here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Warrior-Camp-79080793918/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10157459117568919  It was a special event, feedback was encouraging and positive, and school leadership wants to do it again next year.  (And God gave us the weather we needed)!


8.     6.1.19

  • Unleash Epic @ The Combat Arts and Vendor Festival.  Meridian, Idaho.  Warrior Camp’s new ‘baby brother’ and business partner, known by the brand ‘Unleash Epic’ served as a vendor for the first time at this specific event on June 1, 2019.  (In addition to this Event, Unleash Epic has been a vendor at 2 other Gun Shows and 1 Christmas Expo over approximately the last 7 months).  Participation in these events involves paying a vendor fee, booth set up, and offering the best recreational combat gear and battle sport equipment that we’ve ever invented deep in the ‘Fun Labs’ @ Warrior Camp.  Some people who may not be able to compete at Warrior Camp, still enjoy the kind of fun we have and the gear we innovate. We’re excited to share that our gear hits the target of improving/expanding a category, and being the best in class on key metrics including ammo velocity, aesthetics, longevity, and fun factor.  Unleash Epic makes these products available to the general market, in person and online.  Signature Unleash Epic items for sale at these events include the SlingKing SlingShot, Next Gen Bow and Arrow, Big Beast BlowGun, LIL MONSTER Xtreme Compact BlowGun, and the best selling LIL MONSTER Hero Nerf Compatible BlowGun, which is capable of the elusive yet desirable ammo velocity up to 100+ feet per second (FPS).  And, the LIL MONSTER Hero comes in a desirable, concealable, and compact platform approximately 9 inches long, and with multiple upgrade options to choose from.  Some of these items are available at https://warrior.camp/store and are also available on Ebay, Etsy, and as of February 2019, through Amazon Prime, and should be discoverable through searching those platforms via the phrase ‘LIL MONSTER Hero BlowGun’.  Pictures from this event are on Instagram @ ‘unleash.epic’. A portion of each sale goes to support Warrior Camp, and we’re excited to see and experience the benefits of how business can amplify the ministry of Warrior Camp!


9.     July 2019

  • Warrior Camp In A Box (WCIAB) 2019: This marks the 5th Annual Camp Ministry Partnership with our Camp Ministry Partner, the Santa Claus United Methodist Church Camp (SCUMCC) in Santa Claus, Indiana.  (This Camp partner meets the Biblical and doctrinal standards needed in order to partner together in good faith.  See the similar 2018 post above for more info.  Unleash Epic has assumed the expenses, and most of the production and fulfillment for WCIAB).  This year, SCUMCC has increased their request from Warrior Camp and ordered 170 Next Gen Nerf Compatible BlowGun Kits and select upgrades for their Summer Camp 2019, which takes place in early July 2019.  The work of weapon building began in mid-January 2019, and as of 6.1.19, all physical products comprising WCIAB 2019 have been prepared, assembled/built in the WC Shop, as well as shipped and received by SCUMCC, and over a month before their Summer Camp begins.  The only remaining component involves video training content regarding how to successfully run the WC Weapon Workshop with their Campers.  Some of this content has already been provided to SCUMCC, and the remaining video content will be filmed, created, and sent out soon and in sufficient time for their July 2019 Camp.  The SCUMCC Camp Director has expressed that this year’s next-generation Warrior Camp BlowGun is powerful, fun, her favorite Warrior Camp Weapon to date, and that her Campers are going to love it!  Warrior Camp is continually humbled, honored, excited, and overjoyed to be a part of what God is doing among these kids this summer in Indiana!

10. 2019 and Beyond

  1. I am extremely grateful for all of those who have attended, supported, prayed for, and encouraged Warrior Camp. Thank you Warrior Nation for your passion and heart for what God is doing in this generation!  WC is continuing to explore various ministry opportunities, including possibilities on the East Coast.  These and other opportunities can be shared as they come to fruition.

  2. My big hairy audacious goal (BHAG) and prayer is for Warrior Camp to one day have full access to, or complete ownership of, its own Camp Ground, which can accommodate everything God is leading us to do in ministry.  Let’s be praying for God to do His thing!

  3. For the latest on Warrior Camp and Unleash Epic, please feel free to check us out on social media or online. (Links below).

  4. Finale: With the cultural confusion over gender, sexual identity, and the misunderstanding of masculinity as ‘toxic’, something to be apologized for and overcome, this presents a confused and needy backdrop against which the game-changing nature of the blazing torch of real masculinity shines and roars all the more! Masculinity is not something that can be chopped up like carrots in the kitchen and parsed ad infinitum. Masculinity cannot be modified with preferred adjectives, or fragmented into infinite variations. If it could, we could coin countless versions ranging from the ideologically motivated to the hilarious, and many of which could be exact opposites of each other. We could have Toxic Masculinity and Non-Toxic Masculinity, or perhaps even Toxic Femininity while we’re at it. We could propose Consistent Masculinity which remains steady, and Malleable Masculinity, which morphs on weekends. Or, Neville-Chamberlain-Masculinity which placates tyrants, and Marine-Corp-Masculinity which crushes them. Where does it end, and what is the point? We could go on and on in subdividing and counter-productive circles, but instead, let’s simplify. There are not countless versions of masculinity. The arrow either hits the bulls-eye or it misses. There is 1 kind of masculinity, and that is the masculinity in which God created and designed men. It is the stuff of honor and heroism. Anything less either abuses or falls short of the Creator’s vision. And masculinity isn’t some long, complicated, burdensome checklist either. It’s more of an innate invitation to live and thrive in the distinct identity in which God created us as men. This identity runs deeper than interests, activities, and hobbies. When masculine strength is abused and twisted i.e. by a violent father, or a predator against women, these evil realities do not discredit masculinity or warrant its abolition, just as a coyote killing your kittens does not de-legitimize the prospect of getting a pair of Rottweilers. In fact, the latter are a powerful force against the former, and the coyote wishes he never encounters such a threat! Metaphorically, it’s odd yet revealing how so many claiming to be ‘pro-kitten’ reject a solution so obvious. Confusion or evil perversions of masculinity do not diminish masculinity. Quite the opposite. They crystallize its importance. Their existence creates a situation desperate for Biblical, heroic masculinity to rise up even more, step into the fight, dethrone evil wherever it raises its deformed, tumor-infested head, and ignite the roaring bonfire of who God created men to be. Real masculinity is not the problem. It is the answer. Real masculinity does not mandate that you never cry, never open up, never show emotion, or that you become an emotionless brick. It does not mandate against interest in music, drama or the arts. It does not require or ban you from playing football, benching 300 lbs, having thousands of followers, or being voted homecoming king. Maybe you cry often, or maybe not as much. Maybe you’re clueless about the arts, or maybe they’re your passion. Maybe football isn’t your thing, or maybe you shine on the gridiron. Guess what? Real Masculinity is cool with both, and summons you toward something even greater. Let’s clear the air. If you’re genuinely a non-athletic emotional artist, that doesn’t mean you’re gay or not a real man. And if you’re genuinely a more stoic jock who thrives on the field but fails choir, that doesn’t make or break your masculinity either. David played the harp and dropped a giant in his tracks. There is freedom to explore and be who God created you to be among the great, legendary pillars of masculinity. Real masculinity isn’t a ball and chain. Far from it. It’s the Divine applause and heaven’s rousing endorsement beating like a drum in our chests, cheering us on to become fully alive in Him as men after His own heart! Real masculinity is a sacred invitation and beckoning to all of us men to sacrifice something desirable for something greater, to bring strength, goodness, and joy to the ‘mini kingdoms’ God has entrusted us to lead, to bravely embark into the unknown, to combat evil, protect that which is good, beautiful and true, to be worthy of the lady’s affection, provide for a child’s mirth, to dare to do great things, attempt the ‘impossible’, take on the dragon, defy a tyrant, fell a giant, to breathe the air of the Alps or experience the awe of the Grand Canyon, and to worship God and feel His pleasure. Warrior Camp is all about seeing God rekindle that flame that inspires a generation to rediscover the lost greatness of Biblical masculinity: To be rock-solid disciples who love God, who guard their hearts with integrity, honor women with dignity, combat evil, and who love and fight for what God loves. To experience God’s pleasure, dream and live with God-sized faith. To have courage in our chests, hope in our hearts, and heaven’s fire in our souls. A generation of warriors who, even when the emotions and the lights may fade, will boldly love, follow, and declare, with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, the living, unrivaled King Jesus Christ, for He alone is worthy!


Cheering you on,


Derek Bartlow

Joshua 1:9





Edmund Burke famously declared that 'the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing'. Without trying to sound foreboding, I agree and would add that a swift way to enable evil's rise is to dismantle the mechanisms that create good, heroic boys & men in the first place. What happens if heroic men become an endangered species? Boys need a worthy father figure. And boys can't be raised and educated as if they're girls. Spoiler Alert: they're not!

In these videos below, the war on boys is exposed and counter-punched with a real, game-changing strategy that recognizes the greatness of masculinity, and which God created on purpose by the way. The war against boys is on. It's time to fight back and win!

Elisa Love Steele on the War on Boys

PragerU on the War on Boys




Hey Warrior Nation!

Guess what?  Today Warrior Camp turns 11!

As a fun way to celebrate Warrior Camp's Birthday, and to say thank you for all your prayer, encouragement and support, we're going to do something special this year.  Instead of you giving WC a gift for its Birthday, we're gonna mix it up and ... I'm going to give one of you a gift!  (Yep, it's your lucky day ;)  And in the interest of financial integrity and good stewardship, Derek is covering 100% of the gift cost, not Warrior Camp, so there's that too).  So, here's the deal: Like the related post on social media, comment below, or interact via email, and I'll gladly enter you into the 2018 Warrior Camp Birthday Prize Drawing!  It's that easy.  Looking forward to it and good luck!

And in honor of WC's Special 11th Birthday, I wanted to share some exciting Warrior Camp Ministry Highlights from this year, including Pictures and Video.  You can check it all out below.  I hope you like it and are encouraged, and thank you for all your prayer, encouragement, and support.  God bless!





WARRIOR CAMP TURNS 11! > Special Birthday Update + 2018 Ministry Highlights


New 2018 Warrior Camp Video: Click here to watch or check it out below.  (Video by Graham M.)



MARCH, 2018: Warrior Camp becomes an official 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  (Donations to Warrior Camp are now tax deductible, and can be made securely via our website @ https://warrior.camp/donate/ )


MAY 23, 2018:  The 1st Annual Warrior Camp Graduation Bash and Ceremony is hosted in partnership with Nampa Christian Elementary School (NCES).  The NCES Leadership wanted to do something special for their graduating class of 5th Graders, and chose to partner with WC to make that happen.  Approximately 30 Students graduating from from 5th to 6th Grade gathered for signature WC Games including a 1 vs. 1 Tournament, Archery Tag, a Mega Slip N Slide under raining spray from a Local Fire Truck, and an epic food fight consisting of 30 Gallons of Green Mashed Potatoes!  A special Ceremony followed the Games, and involved worship music, as well as a powerful message of Godly encouragement and wisdom from members of the WC team in two BreakOut Sessions; one for boys and one for girls.  Many friends and family attended the Ceremony in support of their graduating students.  Biblical identity and Godly wisdom and encouragement are so relevant, crucial, game-changing, and close to God's heart.  In that spirit, our speakers spoke into the lives of boys and girls.  Each girl was also given her own special necklace with Christian symbolism to commemorate her graduation.  Each boy was knighted with a Sword by his Father or teacher, and given a military style Dog Tag stamped with the maxim ‘Warrior Camp.  Mediocre is Lame.  Heroic is Legendary.  Psalm 18’.  A final prayer concluded the Ceremony, and I later heard from a teacher’s wife that I have no idea how much parents were blown away and positive in their response.  There’s already talk about making this an annual event and doing it again next year!  You can check out the pictures on Facebook by clicking here.


JUNE, 2018: WarGear LLC is born.  WarGear is Warrior Camp's new little brother, and will assume and expand development and retail operations for innovative, signature Warrior Camp recreational combat equipment and gaming gear which a broader market of consumers want for their own fun.  WarGear will serve as a business and fundraising partner to Warrior Camp, and can be reached at norglaev@gmail.com  Exciting stuff, including the latest LIL MONSTER Nerf BlowGuns, is on the horizon for Christmas and beyond!


JULY, 2018: Warrior-Camp-In-A-Box 2018.  This July marked the 4th year in a row of our ‘Warrior-Camp-In-A-Box’ (WCIAB) partnership with our friends at a Christian Summer Camp near Dale, Indiana.  The Camp Director ordered a record 155 of Warrior Camp's Next Gen Gaming Sword Kits, including Battle-Horn capability and Glow-In-The-Dark Effects, for their Church's much anticipated Summer 2018 Elementary Kids Camp.  The Director wants to partner together again next year, and shared some encouraging feedback about a great Camp experience, including what God is up to in kid’s lives and how kids are encountering Him at Camp.  It’s exciting being apart of what God is doing in Indiana!


AUGUST 18, 2018: Warrior Camp 2018 returns to Nampa, Idaho!  We saw some familiar and new Camper faces at this Warrior Camp, and unleashed Warrior Camp's brand new Next Generation Bow and Arrow.  I'm also grateful and excited to welcome some new faces who are joining an expanded and gifted WC Leadership Team.  Boys and Dads assembled at Warrior Camp for a Weapon Workshop, Rallies, New Activities, Team vs. Team Games, and a new and huge Slip N Slide with a Splash Down Zone filled with Suds and Slime Chunks!  Rallies (i.e. Chapels) encouraged boys with the story of an unlikely hero named Gideon in the book of Judges, a testimony from a martial arts expert about how he repented of his youthful rebellion and came to Christ, and a final Rally unpacking how Jesus is not weak sauce, but full of Godly masculine strength.  The speaker invited Campers to accept Christ, rededicate their life to Him, or respond to what God is leading them to do.  Many Campers responded and came forward...truly awesome to witness this!  A special brick ceremony concluded the Rallies, in which Campers had the opportunity to write something about God they want to celebrate on 2 bricks, one of which went home with them under their bed, and the other of which is stacked up in the kid’s ministry area of the host church.  It’s amazing to see the testimonies and celebrations of who God is, in kids' own words, manifest in a pile of bricks stacked up for His glory!  You can check out the pictures and video below.

Facebook Pictures

2018 Warrior Camp Video



Other new Warrior Camp ministry opportunities are taking shape.  More to come on social media, etc…!




Thank you again so much for your support, prayer, and for your encouragement as Warrior Camp turns 11 today!  It's truly humbling and exciting being apart of what God has done and what He has planned next for Warrior Camp.  Can't wait!

God bless you Warrior Nation, and I love ya like crazy,

Joshua 1:9





Should boys be treated like girls?  Boys are under attack, according to Dr. Meg Meeker.  Dr. Meeker advises Dads (or other Godly father figures) to reach into their boys' lives by doing something with them.  Check it out, as well as the upcoming movie trailer 'Like Arrows' below.  (Sequel broadcast scheduled for tomorrow, 4-17-18.  Shoutout to my dad for pointing me to this as it aired today, 4-16-18).





In gratitude for Good Friday, and in celebration of Easter...




(A celebration of God’s faithfulness and Christ’s victory.

In the middle of our temporary malaise, He is trustworthy and triumphant!)


On the wooded path we make

Our way through land of mystery

Mist obscures the view opaque

“Let faith spring new from history”


One step now, and then again

Some lament yet this our portion

Over sea traversing glen

Purifying heart’s devotion


Alas! Our sacrifice is great!

Hands once full now feel so lost

Yet shall our lot surpass His fate?

As blood and tears flowed down the Cross?


Darkened skies bode near and far

“Heaving heart fear not stand fast!

You are not a lonely star

My rhapsody shall come at last”


Sacred path of sacrifice

Bearing scars of suffering

Costly passion taste the price

Communion with the Great High King


“Unruly tree of grasping wind

Why fool’s gold when Regal Gem?

Childish branches shed as skin!

Cherish pruning by My hand”


Trial and triumph at The Potter’s wheel

Shaped and shared reflect the Son

You are worthy! What joy to kneel!

You are God! Your will be done!


All hell danced as spear was thrust

Naïve that prophecy stood fast

Heel was bruised, but head was crushed

The Grave and Death dethroned at last!


Prison bars we long bemoan

Clap as ice in Summer sun

See His rolled and conquered stone!

By His wounds our chains undone!


Windblown feet why walk amiss?

A soiled well a muddy spring

Echo not the Judas kiss

Heart and soul to Christ the King!


Feelings plot to rule our soul

Fickle as the changing tides

Divided hearts cannot be whole

Trust the One whose love abides


Fear and doubt assault the heart

Prone to stray in wilderness

Forfeit not to villain’s dart!

Trial invites His faithfulness


Parasitic noise abounds

Sucking heart in subtle fight

In your presence, freedom found!

Heaven’s grander warmth and light


Out of darkness into Light

Love brings life from melted stone

Behold the Dawn that purges night!

On the clouds He rides enthroned


All Dominion, Majesty

Sovereign True, In Ancient Flame

Invincible Authority

Every tongue lift up His Name!


Good Supreme Just and Right

Infinite Unrivalled One

Shield and Strength of Fortress Might

Awesome Rock Triumphant Son!


Lips confess and all bow down

“Holy Holy!” Angels praise

Saints and Elders cast their crowns

Radiant Ancient of Days


Love-scarred Power indwells Your Hand

Voices raised and boldly sing

“Laud the Lion and the Lamb!

This life to you The Risen King!”




* (“Ceart”, pronounced Kare-sht or K-yaw-sht (depending on the region?) is a Scottish Gaelic word referring to that which is just, good, right, upright, honorable, authentic, true and trustworthy.  As such, it describes the character of God).





What Makes A Hero?

by Derek Bartlow

(Published on 2.21.18 in the Idaho Press-Tribune)



What Makes A Hero?

I’ve been floored by the Olympics since I was a kid. There’s something inspiring about pushing the limits of faster, higher, stronger. It lights a fire and the imagination comes alive with what we can strive for. It’s transcendent!

What makes a hero? That’s a deep question, and answers will present variety. But whether it’s a storied Olympian, Mother Theresa, or Sergeant Peck, heroes share some holy ground.

Heroes have a high vision for the way things should be. This powerful ideal is far greater than subjective preference, and is often tested in the crucible.

Heroes muster courage to step up and fight. High ideals aren’t won by the faint of heart. Opposition will rise, be it fear, competition, challenge, injury, evil, or enemy. But heroes don’t quit. Heroes fight for what is right, true, and good, regardless of opposition or outcome.

A Hero loves, protects, and sacrifices. The temptations of comfort and compromise beckon like a siren’s call, but heroes hear a sweeter song, and choose to sacrifice something desirable for something greater. Chesterton declared, “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

There are many heroes. But One stands unrivalled. His war is for the redemption of the human race. He was hated and executed by people He came to rescue. He willingly gave His life, unleashing an otherworldly love for all humanity that cannot be earned or understood, but cherished as a gift of highest worth. Against all expectation, His death was not the end. Among all the heroes of history, His tomb alone is verifiably empty. Death itself is defeated, and kneels before His triumph. His name is Jesus and He alone stands at the apex as the living and sovereign Hero.


- Derek, Idaho.





HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a Big Sweet 16 ShoutOut to my friend and Weapon-Master, Isaiah! I hope you enjoyed your Warrior Camp Birthday Bash! It's a joy knowing you, witnessing the young man of God He's shaping you into, seeing your unique strengths and talents unfold, and being involved in your special day! A heartfelt shoutout to your rockstar mom and friends for helping make your Warrior Camp Birthday Bash so epic! I'm super proud of you, and Happy Birthday Isaiah!  :) 1 Timothy 4:12

Photos: Ryann Tock

#blowgunoutyourcandles ;)

Battle 1.jpg
Battle 2.jpg
Battle 3.jpg
Battle 4.jpg
Battle 5.jpg
Battle 6.jpg
Battle 7.jpg





From: Nampa, Idaho.

What's up Warrior Nation!  Believe it or not, today WARRIOR CAMP turns 10!!!

It’s hard to believe what God started on this day 10 years ago…our first Warrior Camp may have been a bit like a wobbly newborn, but what God ignited in that moment continues to blow me away with gut-level awe and inspiration from Him… I'll never forget that day and the overwhelming satisfaction of experiencing what God had planted in my heart coming to life...Wow!  My words fall short.  But He is truly awesome!

I also wanted extend a heartfelt shoutout to you, WARRIOR NATION.  Thank you for all your support, prayers, and encouragement!  Through the sweat, challenges, prayer and triumphs, and all the exciting and unexpected opportunities God has surprised and shaped me with, I’m being grown by Him through this unpredictable ministry adventure, and I’m humbled and grateful for what God has already done over these last 10 years…and believing in Him for what He has next!  

Our calling hasn’t changed.  Create the most epic games our imaginations can envision.  Connect and inspire this generation of young men with God’s much-needed game-changer known as Biblical masculinity.  And boldly point this generation to a personal relationship with the Risen King Jesus Christ who alone stands worthy and triumphant to rescue us from death to life.

Our Fall Warrior Camp is just over a month away, so be praying for God to do His thing, and that each boy will encounter the heart of God.  Thank you again for all your support, words of encouragement, and prayer!  I believe there are great days ahead, and I'm excited about His heart for this generation!

And...stay tuned for the upcoming release of WARRIOR CAMP’s new Decade Celebration Video, and your chance to win a prize!

Cheering you on,

Joshua 1:9 




From: Nampa, Idaho

Email: warriorcamp1@yahoo.com





Hope you're doing great and having a fantastic Fall!

Wow!  Welcome to this special update.  I'm not sure where to begin.  But somehow, I'm gonna try to keep my own words brief.

Recently, I heard about something super cool, and when I finally got to see it, it left me overwhelmed with joy and thanks to God.  It's from a 5th grade boy who just recently wrote a paper for school about his experience at WARRIOR CAMP.  He wrote it for English class and, after working on it from September 2 to September 9, he recently turned it in on September, 13, 2013, nearly 6 years to the day from our very first WARRIOR CAMP.  His assignment?  Write a paper about the most challenging thing you have ever done.

He gave me the green light to share it with you (thanks bro!) and I hope you enjoy it!  And so, without further delay, here is his unedited paper, presenting WARRIOR CAMP in his own words.  Check it out!  (He's a good writer...I might have to recruit him to take-over this blog!)



Challenges I Had At Warrior Camp

I had to face many challenges at Warrior Camp.  Warrior Camp is a day for boys go to my church, and learn about God through a lot of fun activities and sermons.

The first thing we did was divide into two teams, a red team and a blue team.  After that each team got their own flag.  We took the flags and marched around yelling our team name as loud as we could.  Next we started to warm up for a game of Extreme Tag.  It was hard and challenging because most of the guys were faster than me.  But the game was very fun, and I only got out once.  Then we went inside to eat lunch.  During lunch there was a competition.  There were four people standing in a line.  I was one of the four guys.  We each got goggles and a giant deflated balloon.  When our leader said go we had to be the first to blow our balloon up until it popped.  I am proud to say I won!

After lunch,  we had a worship time and a sermon.  We sang a lot of praise songs, and I loved every song we sang.  Then we heard a sermon that talked about being a man of God, and following His will.  It was and still is a challenge for me to do that. 

When we were done with that we went outside to a small hill beside our church.  One person from each team stood on top of the hill in a box that was painted on the ground.  The rest of us laid on x’s  that had been painted all over the grass.  When the leader said, “ Go”,  the person on the hill had to go drag his teammates up the hill to the box.  As soon as a person was dragged to the box,  he could help the leader drag the next person.  The team that got all their guys to the box first won. We played that three times, but the third time was much harder because some of the leaders were shooting Nerf darts at us while we tried to drag our teammates to the box.  If we got hit by a dart, we had to lay down right where we were and wait to be dragged back to the box.  The game went on till one team was either all laying on the ground, or all safe.  My team won twice. 

We played a couple more games, made a cool spear out of sticks we got from around Lake Lowell, and then went in for a second sermon.  During that sermon we learned that God can forgive us for the bad things we have done.

Snack time was next.  During snack time we played a game where we had  four people from each team to volunteer to sit at a table, pick a bag, and eat whatever was inside.   I was one of the volunteers.   Two of us had to eat whatever was in the bag without throwing up, or refusing to eat it.  The other two people on our team had to encourage us to eat it, or eat it themselves.  Whichever team ate the most without throwing up would win.  Some of the items eaten were pickled pig’s feet, a whole bag of marshmallows, ten War Heads all at once, and half of a Monster drink.  After my team won, there was a bonus round.  This time one person from each team had to stand on a chair, and had to eat two other mystery items without spitting it out.  Whoever ate the most when three minutes were up, won.  I volunteered for our team.  The two items were a raw onion, and a raw jalapeno.  I ate almost half of the onion, and about three-fourths of the jalapeno, winning ten bonus points for my team because of bravery!  Half an hour later my competitor threw up all over the wall inside the building.  After that incident our leader made us all go back outside for a  giant slime fight!  It was really fun! 

We got on our swimsuits next  for some water games.  We had a water gun fight,  played in the pool, competed to see who could hold their breath the longest, and then got shot into the pool by a giant human sling shot!  Then we dried off and went inside for our final sermon.

During the final sermon we had a wall made of cinder block where we could write down some of the sins we needed  to stop doing.  At the end of the sermon, a guy took a sledge hammer and smashed down the wall.  That is kind of like how God forgives us of our sins.  When we say we are sorry, God forgives us and our sins can be gone so that there is nothing separating us from God.  That was the biggest challenge of the day.

After that,  we went outside for the final game of the day.  This was best game of the day.  We divided into our teams, and stood side by side on the field.  There were all kinds of foam weapons in front of our teams.  When the leader said, ”Go”, we had to run out, grab a weapon, and attack the other team.  If you were hit anywhere on your body you had to pretend to die for five seconds. Then you could sit up and attack people who came near you, but you couldn’t leave that spot.  Whichever team had the last man standing won.  When we were done with that game we went back inside and tallied up the points of each team.  Our team won!!  We all got candy, but the winners got twice as much. It was awesome!

It was the most challenging, yet fun day in my life!  The only day just as good or maybe even a little better was the next year at Warrior camp, but that is another story!  


------- The End -------


Wow.  God thing!  To Him be the glory!  

We love ya bro!  Thanks for sharing your paper with us, and I can't wait to hang out with you @ WARRIOR CAMP 2014 next year.  So proud of you, and keep letting God do His thing in you.  He's pretty awesome!  :)

And, I want to give a big shoutout to all the WARRIOR CAMP Leaders for your heart for God, your heart for kids and students, and for all your sweat.  Couldn't do it without you!  (And we'd just miss you anyway if we tried!).  

And big thanks to you in WARRIOR NATION for your encouragement, prayer, support, and for helping make it all possible for the boy who wrote this paper, and for other boys like him.  Thank you so much!  God is raising up a new generation of young men after His own heart, and that's something to celebrate! 

That's all for now.  More later  :)

Have a great weekend, and a fantastic Thanksgiving full of celebrating His goodness, and may God continue to smile over you!

All for His glory,


I Chronicles 16:34   +   I Chronicles 29:10-13




From: Nampa, Idaho

Email: warriorcamp1@yahoo.com

Today: WARRIOR CAMP's 6th Birthday!

Bible Verse of the Day: 

See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.  The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.

    - Isaiah 43:19-21





Today WARRIOR CAMP's turns 6 years old!  (So stoked!).  Ever felt a flood of deep, good, satisfied, inexpressible emotion, and awe of God?  It's so humbling and exciting to be apart of what God has been up to from what seems like an impossible (yet God-blessed) beginning to where He has brought WARRIOR CAMP now.  He gets all the glory!  

Thank you also for all your prayers, support, and encouragement.  We wouldn't be where we are without prayer!

On this special 6th Birthday Update, I thought it would be fun to show you some pictures from ALL our WARRIOR CAMP events, from our very 1st WARRIOR CAMP through this Summer, 2013.  I've included them below ... feel free to check em out!

Thank you again for all your prayer, encouragement and financial support.  As my University Chancellor ingrained in us, nothing of eternal importance ever happens apart from prayer.  That's true for WARRIOR CAMP too.  And on this special day, all of us on the WARRIOR CAMP Team owe a big shoutout to God for what He's been up to at WARRIOR CAMP!  We're blessed and grateful to be apart of what He's already done, and excited at the surprises He's going to unveil next!  I love the Bible verse above...God is doing a new thing...wow!  Doesn't that makes us feel like a kid on Christmas eve, waiting with eager expectation at what God is going to do next?  How awesome is God?!  Let's be ready, alert, and excited for Him to do His thing!

So, without further delay, here's a fun WARRIOR CAMP "Journey in Pictures" from the beginning to the present.  I hope you like it, and thanks for celebrating with us, what God has been doing, on this 6th Birthday of WARRIOR CAMP!

To God be the glory,

















































FROM: My new home in Nampa, Idaho

Verse of the Day: Joshua 1:9  (Check it out :)

Email: warriorcamp1@yahoo.com 


HELLO WARRIOR NATION!  (It's been too long!)  How are you?!  

I hope you're doing well and having a great 2013!

Here's a quick snapshot of what we're stoked about for Summer 2013!

Thought you might like to check out what God's been up to @ WARRIOR CAMP.  Here we go!  :)




In this update...

     SUMMER 2013


     "THE WARRIOR HEART" by John Eldredge






1.  Warrior Camp: Full Day Edition

      Date: June 8, 2013

      Grades: 3-6

      Venue: Grandview Church of the Nazarene

      Church Website:  http://www.gvnaz.org/

      Location: Grandview, Washington

      From Home Base in Nampa, Idaho: 

         308 miles

         4 hours 55 minutes

         Direction: Northwest


2.  War Games 2013: Weekend Edition

         Date: July 13-15, 2013

         Grades: 7-12

         Participating Churches:

             New Life Community Church, Wendell, Idaho

             New Life Community Church Page

             Bethel Church of the Nazarene, Nampa, Idaho


         Venue: YMCA Youth Camp  (See pictures below)

           (Thanks YMCA for letting us use your camp!)

         Location: Horsethief Reservoir, Cascade, Idaho

         YMCA Camp Page:   


         YMCA Camp Blog: 


         YMCA Camp On Facebook: 


          From Home Base in Nampa, Idaho:

            96 miles

            2 hours 20 minutes

            Direction: North-northeast


3.  Warrior Camp: Full Day Edition

     Summer, 2013

     Participating Churches: 

          Greenleaf Church

               Greenleaf Church Page

          Nampa Bethel Church


      Grades: 3-6

     Details: This special, combined Warrior Camp is still being shaped.  Check back soon!



Thanks so much for all your encouragement, prayer, and support as we prayerfully "gear up" for Warrior Camp 2013.  Keep praying for God to do His thing in boys and young men: that unsaved young men would come to Jesus for the 1st time, and that churched boys would grow as authentic young men after God's own heart.  We're exploring the benefits of getting dads and father figures involved in Warrior Camp this year too.  And, if you can remember to pray for the churches, kids workers, and youth workers who are giving us a chance to partner with them in ministry, and who will be doing critical follow-up ministry after Warrior Camp, that'd be amazing!  We want Warrior Camp to be a spiritually impacting win for them and their church, and one that produces long-term fruit!

And if you ever have any questions about WARRIOR CAMP, or prayer requests we can pray with you over, please let me know!  You matter to God and to us, and we're in His family together.


...On another note, here's something I wanted to share from one of my heroes.  I hope you like it!


I have in my files a copy of a letter written by Major Sullivan Ballou, a Union officer in the 2nd Rhode Island. He writes to his wife on the eve of the Battle of Bull Run, a battle he senses will be his last. He speaks tenderly to her of his undying love, of "the memories of blissful moments I have spent with you." Ballou mourns the thought that he must give up "the hope of future years, when, God willing, we might still have lived and loved together, and seen our sons grown up to honorable manhood around us." Yet in spite of his love the battle calls and he cannot turn from it. "I have no misgivings about, or lack of confidence in the cause in which I am engaged, and my courage does not halt or falter . . . how great a debt we owe to those who went before us through the blood and sufferings of the Revolution . . . Sarah, my love for you is deathless, it seems to bind me with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break" and yet a greater cause "comes over me like a strong wind and bears me unresistably on with all these chains to the battle field."

A man must have a battle to fight, a great mission to his life that involves and yet transcends even home and family. He must have a cause to which he is devoted even unto death, for this is written into the fabric of his being. Listen carefully now: You do. That is why God created you-to be his intimate ally, to join him in the Great Battle. You have a specific place in the line, a mission God made you for.

(John Eldredge.  Wild at Heart, 141)



In that spirit, we're really stoked about holding the 2013 War Games Weekend @ the exciting new YMCA Youth Camp pictured below.  Check it out :)  

(From http://www.ycampidaho.blogspot.com/)


YMCA 1.jpg
YMCA 2.jpg
Idaho Climbing Wall!

Idaho Climbing Wall!



In addition to the new venue we'll be using for the War Games Weekend this Summer, I'm just a little excited about my new home and wanted to share some pics if that's ok with you.  This whole story is a huge God thing, and I'm so grateful and excited for all the ministry opportunities that He's already allowing at this new place!  (If you're ever in Nampa, come on over! :)

8-27-12  My empty lot.  (Before the action begins).  Been praying over this, and God gets all the glory!  Psalm 127:1

8-27-12  My empty lot.  (Before the action begins).  Been praying over this, and God gets all the glory!  Psalm 127:1

Ground Breaking!  September 17, 2012

Ground Breaking!  September 17, 2012

Footings and Foundation

Footings and Foundation

Cool Progress!

Cool Progress!

Footings 3.jpg
The builder said he could drive his truck on this floor!

The builder said he could drive his truck on this floor!

Sticks Going Up!

Sticks Going Up!

Flying Truss!

Flying Truss!

Gettin' Closer!

Gettin' Closer!

Bird's Eye View.  (My lot is in the yellow rectangle)

Bird's Eye View.  (My lot is in the yellow rectangle)

Zooming out!  My home is in the small yellow square near the upper right area.  In walking distance of the big Jungle, "Nampazon", Swamp, and Lake...all waiting to be explored!  Great options for Warrior Birthday Bashes, Extreme Warri…

Zooming out!  My home is in the small yellow square near the upper right area.  In walking distance of the big Jungle, "Nampazon", Swamp, and Lake...all waiting to be explored!  Great options for Warrior Birthday Bashes, Extreme Warrior Events, etc...  Time to get your Warrior Swag on!

Zoomed way out!  The amazing 9,000 acre Lake Lowell and epic "Jungle" and "Nampazon" to the southwest.   My home is in the little yellow square near the lower right area, above the "Google".  Welcome to God's Playground!

Zoomed way out!  The amazing 9,000 acre Lake Lowell and epic "Jungle" and "Nampazon" to the southwest.   My home is in the little yellow square near the lower right area, above the "Google".  

Welcome to God's Playground!

1st Youth Event @ my house.  We wrote Bible verses all over the walls, and prayed for God to bless this Home and do His thing in and with it!  10-24-12

1st Youth Event @ my house.  We wrote Bible verses all over the walls, and prayed for God to bless this Home and do His thing in and with it!  10-24-12

Worship under the stars

Worship under the stars

Mr. Swag himself.  (Andy, not me :)

Mr. Swag himself.  (Andy, not me :)

Writing God's Word on the walls

Writing God's Word on the walls

Writing 3.jpg
Dedicated to God

Dedicated to God

Bible in the walls!

Bible in the walls!

Yo Youth Group...Can I getta "Thank you Jesus!"

Yo Youth Group...Can I getta "Thank you Jesus!"

Squeeze and Cheese!  Unforgettable night of worship, prayer, dedication, fellowship, and excitement of what God's up to.  Love this crew, and all the glory goes to you God!  10-24-12

Squeeze and Cheese!  Unforgettable night of worship, prayer, dedication, fellowship, and excitement of what God's up to.  Love this crew, and all the glory goes to you God!  10-24-12

Blacklight Fest! . 2-25-13

Blacklight Fest! . 2-25-13

Box Hockey Battle . 2-11-13

Box Hockey Battle . 2-11-13

Young Life! 2-11-13

Young Life! 2-11-13

The new, biggest ministry tool God has blessed me with yet!  (Took ownership on 12-21-12)  (First Night: New Year's Eve, December 31, 2012)  Thank you God!  He said "Yes", and gets all the praise!

The new, biggest ministry tool God has blessed me with yet!  (Took ownership on 12-21-12)  (First Night: New Year's Eve, December 31, 2012)  Thank you God!  He said "Yes", and gets all the praise!




From: Nampa Idaho
       (Email: warriorcamp1@yahoo.com)

 5 Year Anniversary Update!

Inside this Special Anniversary Update...

   1.  5 Year Anniversary
   2.  Update from Chosen
   3.  Update from Warrior Camp
   4.  Chosen 2012 Pictures
   5.  Warrior Camp 2012 Pictures
   6.  Now & Later
   7.  Deo Gloria, Gratias Multas, and Carpe Diem
   8.  Summer 2012 Highlight Pics!


1.  5 Year Anniversary!

    Hello Warrior Nation!  I hope you're doing well and having a great day.  For me, today is a special mix of the nostalgic, humbling, sacred, grateful, and exciting.  That's because 5 years ago today never should have happened...from the world's perspective.  And without God and the doors He opened, it never would have.  It was 5 years ago today when God opened up an unexpected door, and Warrior Camp went from dream to reality!  I love how God inspires a vision, and I'm so excited to share our recent summer of ministry with you on this special 5 year Anniversary of the 1st Warrior Camp.  Thanks for all your enduring prayer, support and encouragement!  Ready?  Here we go...



2.  Update from Chosen!

Remember in our last update how Warrior Camp's new sister ministry for girls was about to launch this Summer?  I got some good news...things went differently than expected, but God blessed it and did big things in girl's lives.  Here's a quick Summer update from one of the Chosen leaders:

Chosen Update

From: Natalie Lopez, Chosen Leader

     "2012 marks the first summer for an all girls day camp.  We had an eventful time connecting our team not knowing our individual duties and pressing on toward a camp that we only imagined and dreamed of.  God placed each member of the girls camp team together on His timing for sure and He continued to change our ideas and plans.  We sought His direction in preparing for a girl's camp for one year and discovered God's calling to use us older gals to help the younger learn what a beautiful woman sold out for the Lord really is by an in depth study of a woman in the Bible, character traits, and values that God tells us is true beauty.  In the beginning our vision was to have a day that the girls wouldn't forget and then the Lord reprioritzed for us that we can invest into these young ladies by sharing with them the things He's taught us as we have followed Him.  The main priority was then to create a great day to provide opportunities to share and show Christ to them through friendship, challenging games, encouragement, and deep Bible study.  We found that God wanted to use our raw real life happenings to connect with others to show them that if they did surrender their all to the Lord that He would make beauty out of the ashes of the sin in lives.  The Chosen team changed strict plans in curriculum and made them more flexible so that God's Word of Truth could really soak in.  Our crazy games came together wonderfully and we had opportunities to speak and listen to gals one on one.  Best of all, we had the opportunity to present Christ to them!  God used the Chosen team to help identify the lies we all are surrounded by, break them down, and find the truth in God's word that will and can replace that lie in our lives! 

    I'm not going to lie it was an exhausting day and we were so sore after but we had a great time decorating for our Esther theme this last summer.  It was a privilege to get to know those amazing young ladies and have one day to share with them what the Good Lord has been teaching us.  God really is good and we are so grateful for Him!"

Thanks for sharing Natalie!  We're cheering you on and praying for you and the Chosen Team.

Chosen Info:

Online: http://www.chosen4girls.com/

Email: chosen4girls@gmail.com



3.  Update from WARRIOR CAMP

  As you might remember from last summer, Chris Pope is our Warrior Camp Discipleship and Chapel Speaker.  He's one of my friends from Liberty University where he was my ministry team leader, and he now serves as a youth pastor in Spokane, Washington.  He's got a huge heart for boldly and effectively communicating God's Truth to students, (and he can also crush your hand and towel-whip like one one else!)  Here's what he said about Warrior Camp this summer:

"This summer was a great time of growth and fun! Students were given the opportunity to be apart of one mission, one brotherhood, serving one king. This is a message that is being neglected in today's society. We saw students become broken to become men of God. Several made this commitment and demonstrated it by laying down the barriers that hindered them. 

It was encouraging to see these students love for God and for one another. In the midst of games, where competition runs wild, we heard nothing but encouragement and support.  There is no denying God's hand in this ministry in this part of the country. Please continue to pray for more summers to come."

So Others May Live,

Christopher Pope

(Thanks Chris for serving as our Discipleship Speaker!) 


4.  Chosen 2012 Pictures

Here's the Chosen pictures from this summer.  Hope you like them!

Chosen #1
Friday, July 27, 2012
Venue: Grandview Church of the Nazarene
Grandview, Washington
Grades: 3-6
Attendance: 14+ girls (approx).

Manual View (Pictures):

Slideshow View (Pictures):


Chosen #2
Friday, August 10, 2012
Venue: Bethel Church of the Nazarene
Nampa, Idaho
Grades: Jr. High and Highschool
Attendance: 12 girls

Manual View (Pictures):

Slideshow View (Pictures):




5. Warrior Camp 2012 Pictures

Here's the pictures from Warrior Camp this summer.  Hope you like them!


Summer Event #1
(First weekend ever...so stoked...Praise God!) 
June 1-3, 2012
Venue: Trinity Pines Camp, Cascade, Idaho
Grades: Jr. High - Highschool
Attendance: 27-28 (from Nampa, Wendell, & Spokane)
Attending Youth Groups: 
    Bethel Church of the Nazarene, Nampa Idaho
    New Life Community Church, Wendell, Idaho 

Manual View (Pictures): 

Slideshow View (Pictures): 


Summer Event #2 

Friday, June 22, 2012
Venue: Bethel Church of the Nazarene
Nampa, Idaho
Grades: 2-6
Attendance: 10 Warriors 

Manual View (Pictures): 

Slideshow View (Pictures): 


Summer Event #3
Friday, July 13, 2012
Venue: Grandview Church of the Nazarene
Grandview, Washington
Grades: 3-6
Attendance: 28 Warriors 

Manual View (Pictures): 

Slideshow View (Pictures): 


6.  Now & Later

   Recently, we received a donation towards camp scholarships for next summer.  This will help kids and students who may not have much be able to come to Warrior Camp.  Thanks for all your encouragement, prayer, and support!  We'll prayerfully be good stewards and use everything to the maximum impact for His glory.

  Moving forward, we aim to secure our own legal, non-profit status for Warrior Camp, and continue to do the Warrior Camp Weekend, which we did for the first time this past summer.  This marks our arrival at Phase 2 of Warrior Camp, and we're so excited about what God did here.  A full "Warrior Games Weekend" opens up the door for so much more than a full-day youth camp does, both with the games, and activities, and spiritually with the chapels, worship music, and small group devotional time.  Even though we'll continue to offer the full day camp for interested churches, we're so amped up and grateful to God for our first Warrior Camp Weekend, and how He's impacting young men to be real men after His own heart through this new phase of Warrior Camp.  We plan to do WARRIOR CAMP Weekends again moving forward.  More on this and other developments later!




7.  Deo Gloria, Gratias Multas, and Carpe Diem
("God gets the glory, much thanks, and seize the day".  Yeah, there's just something about the sound of Latin!)

   On this special 5 year Anniversary of Warrior Camp, I'm humbled and excited to say that none of these last 5 years of Warrior Camp would have happened without God, without you, and without our team.  First of all, God gets 100% of the glory.  This was His vision that he planted in our chests.  Thank you God for who you are!  You're epic, and you do big things.  You have a vision for real manhood and an adventure we're made to live and a battle we're made to fight.  Thank you for lighting this exciting, epic fire in our chests, and let it become contagious in a young generation of boys.

  To all of you in Warrior Nation...thank you so much for your prayers, your encouragement, and as God leads, your donations to things like camp scholarships.  We have a bit of a motto at Warrior Camp that we don't believe in playing duck-duck-goose.  Instead, we aim for the best games and game equipment we can find.  Obviously this "philosophy of fun" costs more than chasing each other around in a circle, but it's who we are, and so far, the boys who come to Warrior Camp don't seem to want it any other way.  One of my heroes would often say, "If it's Christian, it should be better," and, "Nothing of eternal importance is ever accomplished apart from prayer."  Thanks for praying for us as leaders, and for the boys who come to Warrior Camp.  Young men are breaking down walls of sin with God's strength, publicly making a stand for Jesus Christ with their peers and friends, opening up and asking for prayer for changes that need to be made and freedom that awaits, being encouraged and challenged by the manly stuff from God's Word, and planting a flag in their growing relationship with God.  God is doing exciting things.  Thank you so much for praying!

  And to our Summer 2012 Camp Team...Chris, Dave, Braden, Lynn-Steven, Rodney, Jaden, John, Douglas S., Rod, Douglas H., Craig, and everyone else who helped out with camp ministry this summer, Jeremy and Andy...you heart for glorifying God is encouraging and strong, and I'm so glad and grateful to have you on the team.  Some of you have been doing this for awhile.  For others, this was your first summer, and you jumped in without holding back.  You do it for Him, and thank you so much.  Thank you for your sweat, your passion, your sacrifice, your heart for kids, and your zeal for Jesus Christ!  You're a great team and this doesn't happen without you.  I couldn't ask for a better team.

   That's all for now, but more later!  Please feel free to keep in touch, either via email or text.  I'd love to hear what God is doing in your own life and ministry.  Take heart and be encouraged.  God is alive and ever-awesome.  As Scripture teaches, His wisdom and power are infinite.  If He's given you a vision for ministry, don't feel like small beginnings are devoid of Him.  Share your vision with a like-minded Christian friend or friends.  Spread the word.  Start a blog.  Share it at your church and with your family.  Build a team of sold-out Christians around you who support and encourage and maybe even partner with you in what God is calling you to do.  Build a team where each person's strengths come together almost like magic.  If God is in it, step out in faith and do it even when your comfort zone screams at you to do the opposite.  Let the momentum build.  Pray.  Work hard.  Break a sweat.  Don't lose sight of your first love and the core of what God wants to do in you and through you.  Own that, feast on God's Word, and be obedient.  Shun distractions and go for the bulls-eye.  Nothing good happens when you hold back.  God is big!  Let your dreams be big, and chase em.

Cheering you on!

Psalm 18  


Summer 2012 Highlight Pics!

New 2012 Shirt

New 2012 Shirt

WARRIOR GAMES WEEKEND . June 1-3, 2012 .  @ Trinity Pines Camp . Cascade, Idaho

WARRIOR GAMES WEEKEND . June 1-3, 2012 .  @ Trinity Pines Camp . Cascade, Idaho

WARRIOR CAMP . June 22, 2012 . Bethel Church . Nampa, Idaho

WARRIOR CAMP . June 22, 2012 . Bethel Church . Nampa, Idaho

WARRIOR CAMP . July 13, 2012 . Grandview Church . Grandview, Washington

WARRIOR CAMP . July 13, 2012 . Grandview Church . Grandview, Washington

CHOSEN . July 27-28, 2012 . Grandview Church . Grandview, Washington

CHOSEN . July 27-28, 2012 . Grandview Church . Grandview, Washington

CHOSEN . July 27-28, 2012 . Grandview Church . Grandview, Washington

CHOSEN . July 27-28, 2012 . Grandview Church . Grandview, Washington

CHOSEN . August 10, 2012 . Bethel Church . Nampa, Idaho

CHOSEN . August 10, 2012 . Bethel Church . Nampa, Idaho
